Empowered Coaching & Consulting
Services are provided via video chat, phone, text, or email.
Definition of Coaching:
Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be. Utilizing coaching builds awareness, empowers choice, and leads to change. Coaches assist their clients to achieve their personal best and to produce the results they want in their personal and professional lives. Coaching ensures the client can give their best, learn and develop in the way they wish.
The Nature of the Coaching & Consulting Relationship
The purpose of working with a life coach is to create, develop, and facilitate my personal, professional, or business goals. I understand that the purpose of life coaching is to develop and to implement a strategy, plan, and/or program that is designed to achieve those goals. I understand that life coaching is not to be used in lieu of professional advice. I will seek professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters. I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my responsibility. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time. Life coaching is a process that may involve several areas of my life, including career and work, finances, health, and personal and professional relationships. Deciding how to manage these issues and implement my choices is solely my responsibility. The coaching relationship is a collaborative process that would include conversations surrounding our time together and feedback. I understand necessary check-ins to establish being productive and hitting goal achievements within the relationship.
Coaching vs Psychotherapy & Therapists
I offer mental health coaching in-person & virtually for clientele worldwide. Please read below to understand the difference between therapy and coaching.
Coaching is not and does not provide: psychotherapy, a diagnosis, a treatment plan, or medical treatment.
Coaching does not equal psychotherapy. Coaching does not follow a medical model. No mental health evaluation or diagnosis will be given with a coaching client. Psychological assessments cannot be interpreted for coaching clients. In coaching, formal treatment plans and psychotherapy techniques won’t be used. Insurance cannot be billed for coaching clients. Emotional support animals can’t be prescribed if requested from coaching clients. There is not a client protected relationship in coaching: confidentiality is not always protected, dual relationships and other ethical standards aren’t set/enforced. If a diagnosis or higher level of care is required for a client, a referral will be made to have it assessed and treated by a licensed therapist.
Coaching and psychotherapy are entirely different professions and hold different requirements.
Coaches should be aware that having the education and training of a psychotherapist doesn’t allow them to engage in the same standards of work as a psychotherapist. When providing coaching services, it should be a clear understanding of what you will receive and communicate clear boundaries for when psychotherapy would be appropriate. A licensed therapist can operate in the “coach” role or relationship. It means they are not providing psychotherapy and limit scope of practice to coaching. Therapists must be licensed in the state where their client lives. There aren't any restrictions for coaches.
Sometimes if a client switches to coaching it is due to: clients moving out of state, clients who have moved, or they no longer align with the psychotherapy model but want mental health support in another less formal and structured capacity. A coach doesn’t have a governing board so there is not a system in place for client safety. As opposed to a therapist, they have a licensing board that can advocate for clients.
High risk needs and related concerns are not appropriate for coaching level of services.
Therefore if you're dealing with any of the following: suicidal ideation, self-harm ideation or behaviors, psychosis, active substance abuse, active eating disorder behaviors, you need to see a therapist, or a therapist in addition to coaching.
Coaching sessions can be held anywhere and flexibility with time. Coaches can support exposures to meeting client’s goals and progress.
Coaching Approaches
Below is a list of different coaching approaches we can utilize in the coaching relationship.
They include: coaching, mindfulness, visualization, psycho-education, emotion focused, cognitive restructuring, trauma informed, and skills/tools/strategies techniques training.
People use coaching for business support, recovery, wellness strategies, and perspectives on personal growth. Coaching sessions can be completed virtually or in person in the US or abroad based on your scheduling needs. The coaching relationship starts with an intake appointment discussing measurable and trackable goals. The coach will provide perspective on how the client can utilize coaching to help them reach their desired goals and provide them with motivation/encouragement to change. In coaching, we encourage work outside of sessions such as homework to increase skills and daily functioning. The coach and client will establish structure for homework to increase the target area of focus. Forms can be provided in support of identified goals.
In our coaching sessions, part of the process is to provide referrals and additional resources to help the client reach their goals. If more support is needed and the client presents in crisis, the coach will provide and discuss the need for more support, such as psychiatrist, therapist, or structured treatment. In a crisis situation we will discuss if an emergency contact needs to be informed. Confidentiality may be broken if deemed necessary to protect the client.
As previously referred to, one additional support could be a therapist such as, when we are experiencing more severe symptoms such as depression/anxiety or needing to work on past trauma, this is an opportunity to have a discussion whether or not to include more support from a therapist specifically addressing these concerns.
We can process when to increase collaboration with an additional therapist and coach. When coaching does not feel sufficient to meet the client’s needs, we will provide the necessary referrals. The client is welcome to continue coaching in conjunction with seeing their therapist as well.
Recovery coaching is a service that can be integrated into work alongside your therapist for additional support with recovery. Examples include: going to meetings, meal support, shopping exposures, ERPs, and processing triggers in specific environments. This can be discussed and established as a part of our goal setting process.
As providers we are considered mandated reporters and will have to follow these guidelines as set in place to protect and uphold professional and ethical responsibilities. The appointment content and all relevant materials to the client’s goals and process will be held confidential unless the client requests in writing to have all or portions of such content released to a specifically named person/persons. Confidentiality could be potentially breached if doing exposures towards our goals outside of an office setting (ex: grocery store, mall, restaurant, etc). This is something that will be discussed to handle certain situations before handling exposures. Limitations of such client held privilege of confidentiality exist and are itemized below:
If a client threatens or attempts to commit suicide or otherwise conducts him/her self in a manner in which there is a substantial risk of incurring serious bodily harm.
If a client threatens grave bodily harm or death to another person.
If the coach/therapist has a reasonable suspicion that a client or other named victim is the perpetrator, observer of, or actual victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children under the age of 18 years.
Suspicions as stated above in the case of an elderly person who may be subjected to these abuses.
Suspected neglect of the parties named previously (minors or elderly)
If a court of law issues a legitimate subpoena for information stated on the subpoena.
If a client is in therapy or being treated by order of a court of law, or if information is obtained for the purpose of rendering an expert’s report to an attorney.
I understand that information transmitted by me in this life coaching relationship will be kept strictly confidential unless I give explicit, specific permission to release it to specifically designated persons. I understand that the only exception to this confidentiality will occur if the release of personal information is required by law. Occasionally I may need to consult with other professionals in their areas of expertise in order to provide the best recommendation for you. Information about you may be shared in this context without using your name.
Fees will range from $135-$220, this will be discussed based on your goals and objectives. Schedule and frequency will be determined at your initial appointment.
Self Worth or Confidence
Authentic Identity Exploration
Emotional Regulation
Elevated Coping Skills
Empowered Somatic Awareness
Empowered After Trauma
Body Image
Empowered After An Eating Disorder
Mind and Body Food Connection
Relationship with Food
Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet
Except as expressly provided in this agreement, the coach makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the coaching services negotiated,agreed upon and rendered. In no event shall the coach be liable to the client for any indirect, consequential or special damages.
If we are not a good fit within the coaching relationship, three referrals will be provided to ensure a smooth transition. This can be initiated by either party to ensure the client’s wellbeing is being protected at all times.
Please read the staff profiles that are you interested in working with, and we can schedule a free consultation.