How well are your needs getting met? Let’s get back to the Basics

Feeling stuck or in a funk? Are you having days or maybe weeks where you don’t feel like yourself? Maybe you're a bit unmotivated and you feel off and don’t know why. We sometimes get so busy and put our focus on our responsibilities (families, school, work, etc.) that we tend to push our own needs to the side. When we get stuck in a stressful pattern, our needs become neglected. 

Let’s check in for a minute and answer these questions below: 

  1. Have I been drinking enough water?

  2. Am I eating nutritious and consistent meals that fuel my body?

  3. Have I gone outside to soak up some sunlight?

  4. When was the last time I moved my body?

  5. Have I done anything that brings me joy, peace, or relaxation?

How well are your needs getting met? Let’s get to the Basics. 

Physical health directly impacts our mental well-being. When our basic needs are not met, it will affect our energy levels, our mood, and our functioning. Overall when we start to struggle it can lead to our mindset suffering. How are you doing with drinking water? Not drinking enough can lead to fatigue and irritability. When we don’t nourish our bodies we can start to feel sluggish. When life gets busy, the first thing that we might neglect is exercise. Moving our body helps regulate stress and anxiety. Our physical health and mental health are connected, when we start to ignore one, the other starts to struggle. 

Taking care of your physical needs does not need to be time consuming. Small actions might not seem worth it, but over time they will help your mind and body! Impactful change has to start off small and consistent. I encourage you to take at least five minutes to do something for yourself. That can look like:

  • Grab your favorite water bottle to remind you to drink water. 

  • Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air.

  • Move your body is a way that's fun and enjoyable. 

  • Read your favorite book or dance to your favorite song. 

  • Plan something small that brings a spark of joy. 

You are important. It’s essential to take care of yourself. Be your own cheerleader! Even doing the smallest things can create a ripple effect of feeling better about yourself (mind and body). Shifting out of your funk or breaking a habit of suffering takes one new vulnerable choice.


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