resources: maintaining recovery with social media
When it comes to maintaining eating disorder recovery it is vital to ensure that we are taking an inventory of who and what we are following on social media. This can be a challenging whether or not certain content can be triggering, however it is important to see if this aligns with your values and prioritizing recovery. Here is a compiled list of resources on instagram to check out!
Tiffany Roe: Therapist, speaker, intuitive eater, podcaster
IG: Heytiffanyroe
Iskra: Aerie Real model, recovered, advocate
IG: Iskra
Jess Sprengle: ED therapist, memes, feminist, all people, and all bodies
IG: thecrankytherapist
Morgan Harper Nichols: Daily reminders through art
IG: morganharpernichols
Matilda: Swedish artist, mental health advocate
IG: crazyheadcomics
Christie: graphic designer and quote lover
IG: quotesbychristie
Tess Holliday: created the hashtag “EffYourBeautyStandards”
IG: tessholliday
Kelly May: non-diet dietitian, all foods fit, health at every size
IG: kellyrd_
Natalie Peikoff: psychotherapist, body kindness, intuitive eating, and healthy at every size
IG: balanced_nat
Tyler Oakley: youtuber, recovered, part of LGBTQ+, and inclusive
IG: tyleroakley
Autonomy Movement: inclusive exercise studio for all bodies, promotes balanced wellness, acceptance
IG: autonomymovement
A Safe Place Inside Your Head: mental health nonprofit, lifting others up, supportive illustrations
IG: asafeplaceinsideyourhead
Recovery Sayings: normalizing therapy, talking about feelings, and recovery
IG: recoverysayings
Recovery Warriors: support and recovery for ED, anxiety, and depression
IG: recovrywarriors
Eating Disorder Recovery Blog: text graphics that support recovery
IG: edrecoveryblog
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA): supportive recovery with ED
The Eating Disorder Foundation:
IG: eatingdisorderfoundation
Body Brave: food freedom, body peace, supportive images, ED support
IG: bodybravecanada